Busca de melhorias em serviços. uma aplicação na indústria hoteleira

05/08/2019 10:04

This work presents a model for the identification of the customers’ needs and translation of the same ones in processes improvement opportunities, aiming an increment in the quality in the services rendered to hotel clients. To provide a better understanding of the model and clarify the benefits of its application, it is analysed an application in a hotel.

Referência: SILVA, C.; NERES, W. VARVAKIS, G. Busca de melhorias em serviços. uma aplicação na indústria hoteleira.  ENEGEP,  1999.

Artigo Completo

Tags: ManagementQualityServices

Redes de pequenas e médias empresas- organizações virtuais vs clusters

05/08/2019 10:03

The small and medium enterprises (SME’s) have been trying to establish several cooperation forms nowadays, looking for survival and competitiveness in the global economy. An enterprise network represents a model for functional cooperation for SME’s. The network may assume several forms, for this work., virtual organizations and clusters are the considered one. This article aims to confront the characteristics of the virtual organizations with the characteristics of the clusters, furthermore the compatibility of these two concepts is analyzed.

Referência: SANTOS, L.; VARVAKIS, G. Redes de pequenas e médias empresas- organizações virtuais vs clusters. Encontro Nacional de Engenharia de Produção (ENEGEP), 1999.

Artigo Completo

Tags: clustersenterprise networksvirtual organizations.

Impactos das inovações tecnológicas em operações em serviços

05/08/2019 10:02

Actually, the services represent the industry sector that has biggest increase in the world economy. With the development of the sector and increase of competition, service organisations are looking for to increase the productivity and the quality of its operations, in order to maintain its competitivity in the market. For this reason, and with the existent technological progresses, service organisations have been adopting several types of technological innovations in its operations. This article discusses some of the impacts of the technological innovations in the services, analysing its benefits and implications. KEY WORDS: technological innovations, process technology, service operations.

Referência: SANTOS, L.; VARVAKIS, G. Impactos das inovações tecnológicas em operações em serviços. Encontro Nacional de Engenharia de Produção (ENEGEP), 1999.

Artigo Completo

Tags: Process technologyservice operationsTechnological innovations

Análise da aplicabilidade dos princípios da filosofia JIT em operações de serviços

05/08/2019 10:00

Actually, the services represent the industry sector that has biggest increase in the world economy. With the development of the sector and increase of competition, service organisations are looking for to increase the productivity and the quality of its operations, in order to maintain its competitivity in the market. For this reason, several traditional techniques used in manufacturing systems are being applied in service industries. Just-in-Time philosophy, that has grown in shop-floor, can be adapted with success in service operations. This paper analyses how the JIT principles can be applied to service operations

Referência: SANTOS, L.; VARVAKIS, G. Análise da aplicabilidade dos princípios da filosofia JIT em operações de serviços. Encontro Nacional de Engenharia de Produção (ENEGEP), 1999

Artigo Completo

Tags: just-in-time philosophyoperations management.service operations

O custo global da habitação: um estudo de caso na grande Florianópolis.

05/08/2019 09:56

The housing, usually known in one of its dimensions, the shelter, represents one of the most important creations of the man’s technical and intellectual evolution, facilitating the survival of the human species from North to South of the terrestrial globe. The housing term for this work considers three dimensions: shelter, access and tenure. In shelter, it is considered the physical part, good enough to protect from the bad weather, to provide comfort and well-being. As access it is considered the easiness of obtaining electricity, water and sewer, as well as the access to the  work, school, market and amenities. The tenure, suggests the time of permanence in the housing, that should be enough long to be worth the move and also represents the costs associated to leave it. The present research aims to offer a view for quantification, in cost terms, of these three dimensions. The research offers the bases for product design (houses) that serve as an element that integrates the man and the environment, considering the whole product life cycle. Furthermore, it is possible to have an feedback for urban planning, housing assessment, quality and cost performance under the user point of view.

Referência: LIBRELOTTO, L.; VARVAKIS, G. O custo global da habitação: um estudo de caso na grande Florianópolis.XIX ENEGEP, 1999

Artigo Completo

Tags: custo.dimensõeshabitação

Modelagem Da Aplicação Do Gerenciamento De Processos- ênfase na Análise Do Impacto dos Recursos Nos Processos

05/08/2019 09:54

In this age of strong competitive pressure, cost reduction and productivity improvement are major objectives for most companies. This paper presents an processes management model based on resources and residues analyses. The objective of this model is to allocate resources and residues on process and offer basis for an analysis of their impacts.

Referência: NERED, W.; VARVAKIS, G.; CARO M. Modelagem Da Aplicação Do Gerenciamento De Processos- ênfase na Análise Do Impacto dos Recursos Nos Processos. Encontro Nacional de Engenharia de Produção (ENEGEP), 1998.

Artigo Completo

Tags: costs analysismodelprocess improvement

Inovações tecnológicas em canteiros de obras – caso Florianópolis

05/08/2019 09:50

Technological innovations in the areas of new tools, equipment’s, site safety and internal means of communication are compared in 7 different housebuilding sites in the city of Florianópolis, state of Santa Catarina. A list of those innovations was prepared and site observations were conducted, in order to attest if they were present or under
implementation. It was found that a very small proportion of innovations were implemented by the building firms under investigation; only the items related to site safety were able to get higher scores, mainly due to the enforcing powers of current legislation. Despite the fact that qualitative assessments indicate that there is a positive attitude
towards the listed innovations, there is a long way to go in order to improve site conditions in the building  companies that took part in this research work.

Referência: LIBRELOTTO, L.; MEIRA, A.; HEINECK, L.; VARVAKIS, G.  Inovações tecnológicas em canteiros de obras – caso Florianópolis. ENEGEP, 1998

Artigo Completo

Tags: civil constructionimprovements.innovations

Estruturando a medição de desempenho organizacional

05/08/2019 09:35

The acting measures should supply to the organization information in the quality and right amount facilitating the administration process, as well as in the taking of decisions. Soon one of the largest problems in the moment of defining acting measures it is ” as to measure that that should be measured “. The central subject to be answered in this article refers to define some approaches for the determination of indicators or acting measures that allow appoint the efforts of the organization for the improvement of the processes, at the same time that if edificated consistent competitive positions.

Referência: CARO, M.; VARVAKIS, G. NERES, W.  Estruturando a medição de desempenho organizacional. 18° Encontro Nacional de Engenharia de Produção – ENEGEP, 1998

Artigo Completo

Tags: information systemperformance measurementprocess.

Aplicação da matriz insumo produto da metodologia zeri numa empresa do setor moveleiro

05/08/2019 09:05

This paper presents the utilization of the resources versas product matrix, part of the ZERI (Zero Emissions Research Initiative) methodology, aiming the evaluation of environmental impacts resulting of manufacturing activities of a wood furniture manufacturer. The paper does not end the ZERI concept discussion, but does show, through a real case, the potential profitability obtained when a company considers environmental related aspects. The ZERI concept do support the internal search for efficiency, at the company, during a business process improvement program. This is achieved through the increase of awareness for the material resources.

Referência: PINTO, J,; COSTA, N,; VARVAKIS, G.; POSSAMAI, O.; SELIG, P. Aplicação da matriz insumo produto da metodologia zeri numa empresa do setor moveleiro

Artigo Completo

Tags: Business Process ImprovementWood Furniture Industry.Zero Emissions Research Initiative (ZERI)

Formação de conglomerados industriais: do estoque zero à emissão zero

05/08/2019 09:03

This paper examines the concept and evolution of industrial park. The analysis begin by a view of industrial integration via Just in Time, with focus in the client-supplier relationship. In the next step is analysed the ZERI concept as one tool, that, with the main objective of optimising the raw material utilisation, brings the integration of several industries.

Referência: NERES. W.; VARVAKIS, G.; SELIG, P. Formação de conglomerados industriais: do estoque zero à emissão zero

Artigo Completo

Tags: Industrial parkJust in TimeZERI