Knowledge engineering in the insurance industry: a process improvement-oriented approach

07/08/2019 11:30

Organizations are a set of processes, some of which can be knowledge intensive (KIBPs). Nowadays, knowledge is a critical factor of success for competitiveness in organizations and needs to be managed, even more in KIBPs. CommonKADS is a knowledge engineering methodology that aims to build industry-quality-knowledge systems, for improving organizational processes. However there is a lack of theoretical-empirical studies about innovation in KIBPs using CommonKADS in the insurance industry. Consequently, this study aims to explore how KIBP improvement can be supported by CommonKADS in practice, showing the case of a Peruvian insurance company. A literature review has been made to explore these concepts and their relationships, and then, a case of KIBP improvement was analyzed in a core process within a large-sized Peruvian insurance company. According to literature, some findings were identified: 1) when well applied; CommonKADS can trigger innovation in KIBPs, producing improvements in many organizational dimensions, such as efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability. 2) There are knowledge management processes within KIBPs that need to be identified, managed and, if possible, automated. 3) Information Technology, together with CommonKADS methodology, plays and strategic role in KIBPs
innovation, by supporting automation of knowledge processes and also providing other results such as flexibility, scalability, efficiency and valuable information.

Referência: CALLE, G.; DOROW, P.; VARVAKIS, G.; VALLEJOS, R.  Knowledge engineering in the insurance industry: a process improvement-oriented approach. KM Brasil 2014 – Congresso Brasileiro de Gestão do Conhecimento

Artigo Completo

Tags: CommonKADSinnovationKnowledge ManagementKnowledge;Wood Furniture Industry.

Aplicação da matriz insumo produto da metodologia zeri numa empresa do setor moveleiro

05/08/2019 09:05

This paper presents the utilization of the resources versas product matrix, part of the ZERI (Zero Emissions Research Initiative) methodology, aiming the evaluation of environmental impacts resulting of manufacturing activities of a wood furniture manufacturer. The paper does not end the ZERI concept discussion, but does show, through a real case, the potential profitability obtained when a company considers environmental related aspects. The ZERI concept do support the internal search for efficiency, at the company, during a business process improvement program. This is achieved through the increase of awareness for the material resources.

Referência: PINTO, J,; COSTA, N,; VARVAKIS, G.; POSSAMAI, O.; SELIG, P. Aplicação da matriz insumo produto da metodologia zeri numa empresa do setor moveleiro

Artigo Completo

Tags: Business Process ImprovementWood Furniture Industry.Zero Emissions Research Initiative (ZERI)