This paper explores what knowledge governance mechanisms can be particularly relevante for innovation in the Brailizian context.
Referência: DÁVILA, G.; ANDREEVA, T.; VARVAKIS, G. (How) are Brazilian firms managing knowledge for innovation?
Artigo Completo
innovationKM practicesknowledge governance mechanisms
Given the relevance and need for studies in the area of organizational resilience, the objective os this work is to understand how the concept of organizational resilience has bem considered in the literature, through na analysis of its analysis units and application contexts. From this understanding, an association of the main resilience factors identified in the literature are presented with the dimension of human, structural, and relational capital and enabling factors, in the organizational context
Referência: FRAGA, B.; CASAGRANDE, C.; VARVAKIS, G.; SELL, D. An integrative review of organizational resilience components. 12th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics, Pettersburg, 2017
Artigo Completo
innovationKM practicesknowledge governance mechanisms