O custo global da habitação: um estudo de caso na grande Florianópolis.

05/08/2019 09:56

The housing, usually known in one of its dimensions, the shelter, represents one of the most important creations of the man’s technical and intellectual evolution, facilitating the survival of the human species from North to South of the terrestrial globe. The housing term for this work considers three dimensions: shelter, access and tenure. In shelter, it is considered the physical part, good enough to protect from the bad weather, to provide comfort and well-being. As access it is considered the easiness of obtaining electricity, water and sewer, as well as the access to the  work, school, market and amenities. The tenure, suggests the time of permanence in the housing, that should be enough long to be worth the move and also represents the costs associated to leave it. The present research aims to offer a view for quantification, in cost terms, of these three dimensions. The research offers the bases for product design (houses) that serve as an element that integrates the man and the environment, considering the whole product life cycle. Furthermore, it is possible to have an feedback for urban planning, housing assessment, quality and cost performance under the user point of view.

Referência: LIBRELOTTO, L.; VARVAKIS, G. O custo global da habitação: um estudo de caso na grande Florianópolis.XIX ENEGEP, 1999

Artigo Completo

Tags: custo.dimensõeshabitação