Impactos das inovações tecnológicas em operações em serviços

05/08/2019 10:02

Actually, the services represent the industry sector that has biggest increase in the world economy. With the development of the sector and increase of competition, service organisations are looking for to increase the productivity and the quality of its operations, in order to maintain its competitivity in the market. For this reason, and with the existent technological progresses, service organisations have been adopting several types of technological innovations in its operations. This article discusses some of the impacts of the technological innovations in the services, analysing its benefits and implications. KEY WORDS: technological innovations, process technology, service operations.

Referência: SANTOS, L.; VARVAKIS, G. Impactos das inovações tecnológicas em operações em serviços. Encontro Nacional de Engenharia de Produção (ENEGEP), 1999.

Artigo Completo

Tags: Process technologyservice operationsTechnological innovations