Applying Knowledge management to suppor a virtual organization of mould and die makers

05/08/2019 10:28

This paper describes a framework to support Knowledge Managemellt in a Virtual Organisation operating in the mould and die sector. The approach adopted aims to apply a knowledge mallagemellt life cycle during the operation
of a VE, ill order to maximise the knowledge capitalisation and dissemillation within the VE environment. The knowledge relevant to the creation alld operation of the VE is stored in different but strongly related layers which have to be managed properly. Access rights, knowledge and information level, privacy and security-related issues are included in the framework, taking into accoullt that each company has the right to define who can have access to and
at which level of detail the knowledge publicised by such a company.

Referência: LIMA, C.; VARVAKIS, G.; VALLEJOS, R. Applying Knowledge management to suppor a virtual organization of mould and die makers. Processes and Foundations for Virtual Organizations: IFIP TC5 / WG5.5 Fourth Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises (PRO-VE’03) October 29–31, 2003

Artigo Completo