Aplicação da matriz insumo produto da metodologia zeri numa empresa do setor moveleiro
This paper presents the utilization of the resources versas product matrix, part of the ZERI (Zero Emissions Research Initiative) methodology, aiming the evaluation of environmental impacts resulting of manufacturing activities of a wood furniture manufacturer. The paper does not end the ZERI concept discussion, but does show, through a real case, the potential profitability obtained when a company considers environmental related aspects. The ZERI concept do support the internal search for efficiency, at the company, during a business process improvement program. This is achieved through the increase of awareness for the material resources.
Referência: PINTO, J,; COSTA, N,; VARVAKIS, G.; POSSAMAI, O.; SELIG, P. Aplicação da matriz insumo produto da metodologia zeri numa empresa do setor moveleiro